Free Text Editors

Make sure to check out this blog from ’12 Excellent Free Text Editors for Coders’. To someone who uses text editor everyday like me, it is an amazing list of complete freeware text editors. Actually I am using UltraEdit mainly which is not free. My company is using it. But my favorites are Crimson Editor and ConText. I guess I like them because they are very similar to UltraEdit. But NOTEPAD++ is also very popular.


Also there is another one not mentioned in the list. It’s ‘InType’, it is supposed to be ‘TextMate’ kind of text editor for Windows. The latest version is alpha and not have been in development since 2007, but if you like Mac’s TextMate, you might want to try.

If you are looking for more professional programing editor, you may want to try Eclipse. It is a development IDE and the size is big (over 200MB). Here is the link to PHP version (Eclipse-PDT project). The greatest thing about Eclipse is that it’s a full development platform which is free and supports almost perfect Code Completion. Check out my article on the Eclipse PHP Code Completion.

Thank you for visiting Hana & Sarah’s Freeware Blog.

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